Saturday, 29 February 2020


World Obesity Day 2020
Together we can create a healthier future.
Obesity is a chronic disease that affects people of in all walks of life. On the surface, obesity has been misperceived by many as a simple lifestyle choice. But below the surface, we know that the roots of obesity run deep.

Join us and organisations around the world for a new World Obesity Day on March 4, 2020, as we push for more comprehensive solutions, treatment and collective responsibility for addressing this global epidemic.


This World Obesity Day, we are asking you to show your support for the campaign by sending us your 'O' for obesity.

It’s a quick and easy thing you can do alone, or in a group. All of your photos will be compiled for use on our website and social media channels to demonstrate the global support that World Obesity Day has.
We would especially love to see you and your colleagues supporting World Obesity Day with any local landmarks in the background so that we can build a real global feel to the images we share.

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